Wassup everyone!
I recently took a few days of vacation to go to LA. I went to take care of some business, handle some deals, and of course spend time with those whom I’ve missed so much. I hadn’t realized how much I missed LA until I had actually arrived. I have been living in Japan for nearly 1 year now. I’m sure many things had changed. Maybe more than anything, myself, and they way I saw life. As you know the culture in Japan has many differences to that of the United States ( ie. the frankness of people, the culture diversity, etc). Regardless I was very excited to visit LA.
Check out the photos and video below!
皆さん、こんにちは!最近、僕はロスへ行った。三日だけけど、本当に、楽しくやりがいのある経験だった。行ったの理由はビジネスのことや友達を会いたいのことだった。ロスに着いたの前に僕は僕の憧れ名気持ちをぜんぜん知らなかった。でも、ロスに着いて分かった。 今もう一年ぐらい日本に住んだから、多分ロス事や友達が変わった。多分自分が変わった。 ご存知のように, アメリカの文化と日本の文化は多少違う。ロスは本当に楽しかった.。