just a thought

MaJiK – Just A Thought EP – Tracklisting


As the time for the release of MaJiK’s new EP is nearing, we’ve finally finished the final arrangement of tracks and interludes! We are really excited for this release!  With only a couple days left before the release, It’s getting more and more exciting. Check out the track-listings below:
01. Life
02. Infinity Pt. 1
03. Something To Think About
04. Infinity Pt. 2
05. Gimmie That Bass Line
06. Call Me (I’ll Be There)
07. Infinity Pt. 3
08. Do It BIG

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[NEW RELEASE] MaJiK – Just A Thought EP [OUT 01/26/12]


New release from MaJiK entitled, “JUST A THOUGHT”. This is the official debut EP from MaJiK. In JUST A THOUGHT, MaJiK takes you on a ride thought his mind. Discussing issues such as love, motivation, money, politics and more. MaJiK covers a variety of genres throughout the EP, including Hip Hop, Dubstep, Spoken Word, down-tempo, and more. But what is MaJiK’s trying to communicate to everyone, with the release of his new EP, JUST A THOUGHT? In MaJiK’s Words:
“I am a human being. I’m just like you, I am just like everyone else and what we have in common is that we are all special and these are just some of my thoughts.”

MaJiK’s JUST A THOUGHT EP drops “01/26/2012.

Check out the precursor to this release, his mini-mixtape, RANDOM THOUGHTS:

[NEW RELEASE] MaJiK – Just A Thought EP [OUT 01/26/12] Read More »

Allow Me To Re-Introduce Myself…

What’s going on everybody?

My name is MaJiK.  I am a recording artist here at SonnyBCreative and have been so for a good part of the last 3 years.  As some of you may or may not know, Sonny_B has relocated to Japan thus prompting a larger role for me with the company.  You will continue to get your updates from Sonny_B while in Japan but now, I will also be sharing updates regarding my music, events here in the U.S. and anything SBC related.

For now, I just want to let you all know a little about myself.

I have been writing poetry almost 9 years now, I rap, record music, and I love performing live.  I do all of this in hopes to inspire others so that they may go out and achieve great things.  We are all capable of so much and I want to encourage everyone to maximize their potential.

I love music, Hip-Hop, especially.  The way certain lyrics have influenced my life for the better, I wish to provide the same effect for another.  If I can touch just one person at a time, that would make it all worth it.  I want to thank Sonny_B for being a great mentor and I’m extremeley excited to share with you all what we’ve been working on.

I envision a world where everybody who dare to dream isn’t considered a child or naive.  A world where cash didn’t rule everybody around me and the mark of success isn’t by what a person has but what a person has done.  Change is a part of evolution, it’s a part of growing and I challenge you to question everything, not to be defiant but for the purpose of improving.  We live in a world where technology is always advancing, so why aren’t we?

I have two projects coming out 1) A joint album with Sonny_B and 2) My solo EP tentatively titled “Just A Thought”.  Stay tuned to SBC, they will be coming out shortly.


Peace.  One.  Love.


Allow Me To Re-Introduce Myself… Read More »

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