XAVONiA is back in her 3rd music video! Coming more heavy with Waka Flocka’s latest single “Foreign Sh*t”, XAVONiA breaks it down as she cruises through the neighborhood!
When XAVONiA told me she wanted to do a video for this song, I was a bit surprised. The last two songs that we collaborated on were both fun, dance type songs. With this one, I thought we’d take a more structured in your face kind of approach, with a bit more substance. The intro was inspired from the original video. All in all the storyline isn’t too detailed. More of less XAVONiA is preparing herself to handle some things out in the neighborhood. Though nothing was handled, the video concludes with her arriving at her first location.
The video itself was shot on a bright summer day in Arizona, USA. I give major props to XAVONiA for being able to shoot the entire video in 105+ degree weather while wearing a hoodie. I enjoyed shooting and editing this video.
One Love,