Every year Emory creates an amazing Halloween costume for Shibuya, Tokyo Halloween. Check out her 2023 costume! 渋谷ハロウィーンのために、毎年Emoryさんは素敵なハロウィーンコスコスチュームをしています。2023のスタエルを是非チェックしてみてください
Thank you to DJ HOKUTO, the Eclectique family and Harlem for having us. Thank to all the fans and friends for your support! Shout out to Diana @dancing_dianamite for the footage!
Party single with Trey Beama, “Get Comfortable”, produced by KO-ney. With a bit of retro funk and westcoast g-funk vibes, this song highlights the excitement of finally feeling relaxed, comfortable, and ready to be yourself after a long stressful day. “Get Comfortable” is the launch of a duo project between SonnyBCreative, and Trey Beama. Stay tuned for more very soon! “Get Comfortable” is now available on all digital music platforms. Please check it out!
I once again had a great time working with @stem_bp And @fizzy_beatz. Thanks for having me on your project! また、FIZZY X STEM さんと一緒に仕事ができて、とても楽しかったです。プロジェクトに参加させていただき、ありがとうございました !
Directed, shot, edited and colored by SonnyBCreative Lighting and project assistance by @benergizer_photo
Based in Tokyo. This is the first collaboration album between beat maker Fizzy, who creates collaborative album with Japanese and non-Japanese artists without being bound by time and place, and MC STEM, who embodies Hip Hop with his skillful rhymes and word sense. The album was mix and mastered by Streetiebaby. The music video, “BRIGHT”, was directed, shot and edited by SonnyBCreative. This is an international project that strattles the boarder between Japan and the United States. 東京を拠点に活動。 時間と場所に囚われることなく国内外アーティストとの共同作品を創り出すビートメーカー”Fizzy”と巧みなワードセンスでヒップホップのライムを体現するMC “STEM”がタッグを組んだファーストアルバム。 ミックス & マスタリングにはU.Sで活動する”Streetiebaby”が参加。ミュージックビデオ「BRIGHT」は、SonnyBCreativeによって監督、撮影、編集。日米間の国境を越えた国際的なプロジェクト。
Director: SonnyBCreative & Gordon Hui Editor: SonnyBCreative Cameraman 1: Gordon Hui Cameraman 2: SonnyBCreative Cameraman 3: Andrew Liu Writers: SonnyBCreative Music Producer: KE1CHI Recording Engineer: GOICHI Mix and Mastering: nov.47 Special thanks to K Z 8 aka Kazuya (TOKYORK), Wilson Wong and Karman Chan