Mother’s Day

Gift I wanted to give for Mother’s Day. 母の日の上げたい物


As a artist, I think this is one thing we all would like to do for our mothers. Create something special for them using our talents. Watching this video, reminded me of myself, and wish I had to chance to do it. Time keeps passing, and There is never a perfect time to say Thank You. To all the others mothers out there, Happy Mother’s day. – To my mother, Happy Mother’s day、Thank You and Rest In Peace.

アーティストとして、これは母のために、上げたい物だと思う。自分のスキルで母のためにスペシャルなものを作るのことだ。このビデオを見て、自分自身のこ とを思い出した。それを行う機会があればいいのに。光陰矢のごとしと言うのをよく耳にする。一番いい「ありがとう」を言う時がぜんぜんないだ。すべての母 親へ母の日おめでとうございます!母へ母の日おめでとうございます、ありがとうございます、ご冥福をお祈りします。

I wrote a song called “Mother’s Day” a few years back . It was made a quickly so the quality wasn’t as good as it could be. The video itself is very pure, and warm. I released this video as a surprise the day before the BOUNCEJERK release. Ironically, a week after releasing this video, I gained news that my mother has passed away. Overly taken back by this news, I took a break from life and when on a hiatus.

数年前に、「Mother’s Day(母の日)」と言う曲を書いた。この曲を作るのは早かったから、音楽の質はちょっと良くなかった。でも、「Mother’s Day」のPVは本当にピュアな感じだった。「BOUNCEJERK」のリリースの日の前の日に、このビデオをリリースした!ちょっと驚きな感じだった。偶然に、リリースの一週間の後で、母が死んだのニュースを聞いた。驚くほどビックリして中断をした。

Gift I wanted to give for Mother’s Day. 母の日の上げたい物 Read More »

“Mother’s Day” Behind the Scenes


In all the hype for the release of the “BounceJerk” music video, a day before the release, the “Mother’s Day” music video was released. It almost came out of the “no-where” according to many people. Well it kind of did.

The Wednesday before the BounceJerk Music Video release party (Sat), I called J-High (of Checkmate Films), the director of LEAVIN RUTS BEHIND,  and proposed that we create a music video for my song “Mother’s Day”. He liked the idea and gave me the “ok”. Immediately after I called various mother’s to see if they would be willing to participate in the video. We planned to film the video on Saturday, knowing that the BounceJerk Release party was that night, and that Mother’s day (The day I wanted to release the video) was the following morning.

That Saturday morning at 9am-ish we all arrived at the part to film the video. We finished filming around noon. After filming, I rushed home to port the footage to my hard drive, spent two hours planning out how I would edit the video, and then prepare for the BounceJerk Release Party. After the release party I returned back to my workspace and edited the video until 7am (Mother’s Day morning), and soon after released the video.

It was quite amazing to film, edit, review, and release a music video in less than 24hours and come out with the result we came out with. I’d call this one a accomplishment.

Thanks to all those who took part in the video! (J-High, Phi, Fre, Aunt Cherelle, Tiger, Elijah) We made a masterpiece!

One Love,

“Mother’s Day” Behind the Scenes Read More »

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