
Sugar Joiko feat Moreno – Shining Bright [music vid] @sugarjoiko


SBC Fam, Sugar Joiko, is back with her second official single and first music video “Shining Bright”. Collaborating with Polish producer, Moreno, Joiko brings  an energetic and positive electro track that screams for a replay!
SBCのファミリの歌手のSUGAR JOIKOが戻りました!今回はJOIKOの2番目のシングルと一番目のPVです!「SHINING BRIGHT」です!ポーランド人のプロデューサーとコラボして、JOIKOがエネルギッシュで感動的な曲を作りました!

joikoShining01Through out the video, Joiko showcases  her many faces. She shows that you just have to push to shine bright! You see her workout, party with friends, perform, and even in Japan!
曲の名前は「SHINING BRIGHT」、SHINEのために、JOIKOのアドバイスは夢のために、一生懸命頑張ってください!そして、SHINE!

joikoShining02Sugar Joiko, is one singer we recommend you all pay attention to. Check her at her website:
SUGAR JOIKOはSBCのおススメです。ぜひチェックして下さい!


Sugar Joiko feat Moreno – Shining Bright [music vid] @sugarjoiko Read More »

72 Hours in LA part 1 / ロスで72時間 パート1

Wassup everyone!
I recently took a few days of vacation to go to LA. I went to take care of some business, handle some deals, and of course spend time with those whom I’ve missed so much. I hadn’t realized how much I missed LA until I had actually arrived. I have been living in Japan for nearly 1 year now. I’m sure many things had changed. Maybe more than anything, myself, and they way I saw life. As you know the culture in Japan has many differences to that of the United States ( ie. the frankness of people, the culture diversity, etc). Regardless I was very excited to visit LA.

Check out the photos and video below!

皆さん、こんにちは!最近、僕はロスへ行った。三日だけけど、本当に、楽しくやりがいのある経験だった。行ったの理由はビジネスのことや友達を会いたいのことだった。ロスに着いたの前に僕は僕の憧れ名気持ちをぜんぜん知らなかった。でも、ロスに着いて分かった。 今もう一年ぐらい日本に住んだから、多分ロス事や友達が変わった。多分自分が変わった。 ご存知のように, アメリカの文化と日本の文化は多少違う。ロスは本当に楽しかった.。


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72 Hours in LA part 1 / ロスで72時間 パート1 Read More »

The Windy City In Reflection

[tweetmeme]My stay in Chicago was short but sweet. I only had about 30 hours of time in the city, but I enjoyed myself. Upon arriving, I was able to eat at White Castle and tour though the neighborhood. It’s always interesting going though different hoods of different cities. In California majority of the houses are made from wood, but in Chicago you find majority of the housing being constructed from brick.

After cruising though the neighborhood and stopping at few locations, it was time to go visit the family and enjoy some good food. After enjoying the festivities and getting some rest, it was already time for me to return back to Cali.

It was my second visit to Chi-city, but I still haven’t been there long enough to build a Chi-city state of mind. Hopefully on my next visit, I’ll be able to spend more time enjoying the city.

One Love,

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3rd Largest City in The U.S.

[tweetmeme]I’ll be spending this weekend in the 3rd largest city in the U.S., Chicago, IL. I’ll be going on a 24-hour trip to visit some family. While I am there I hope to get some inspiration. New terrain = new inspiration.

Chicago is known for many things including architecture, music, and deep dish pizza.
Musically, Chicago is known for Opera, Chicago Blues, Chicago S0ul, Jazz, gospel, and house music. So with that being said, I hope to get some inspiration from that alone.

Maybe I’ll see Common rolling though the streets saying “Wassup” to everyone like he did in the “The People” music video. (Yeah, right…). …

3rd Largest City in The U.S. Read More »

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